Board Officers
CO-FOUNDER & Board Chair
Beth has been fortunate to enjoy the beautiful Newfound lake area all of her life. A long-time cycling/walking commuter, she is an avid supporter of non-motorized transportation. During her 25 year career as a software engineer and manager for high tech companies in Oregon she was a member of a company environmental team and participated in numerous environmental projects. Semi-retired, Beth works part-time at Longview Farm in Plymouth. In her free time she’s playing music, babysitting her grandchildren, cycling, walking, (slowly) hiking the 4000’+ NH peaks, and paddling on Newfound Lake.
Co-FOUNDER & Development
Jan was born and raised in Florida and moved to New England as a young adult. The beauty of New England with all the water (lakes, ocean, and streams), mountains, seasons, culture, cities and landscapes captured her heart from the very first day. She worked in the Identification Department of the Polaroid Corporation where she designed drivers license and other identification. In the Quality Control Department, Jan was on the development team that designed and installed SAP as the management system for Polaroid and supported a European division after installation. Jan is an avid skier and former alpine ski instructor. Now retired, she enjoys “heaven on earth” here on Newfound Lake, while watching over children and grandchildren, and leading a very active life.
Ronald W. Collins, has a Master’s in Physics and a BS in Mathematics. He was the founder of the two software companies: Indecs Services, and Skycraft Software. He was for twenty years a VP of the Polaroid Corporation. He was President and CEO of Transtech Lasers d/b/o Convergent Energy. Since retiring in 1999 he has been an international business consultant. Currently, he is also the Chair of the Hebron, NH Heritage Commission, and past President of the Hebron Historical Society. He has written a number of histories, genealogies and literary books. His works include: The Genealogy of the Clan MacLean; The McLanes – The Origin of the Clan; The McLanes – A New Hampshire Clan; The History of Governor Nathaniel Berry; Sergeant John Ordway, A History with his Genealogy; A History of Newfound Lake; The History of Hebron, NH; The Genealogies of Hebron, NH; The Collins Family History, and many other genealogies.
Ron is also a recognized poet. His collected work has been published under the title Found There. He has also edited four anthologies of poetry and prose: Shadows of Water, Hills of Light, Valley of Ice, and Angles of Life. He lives in Hebron, NH.
Martha Twombly has been coming to Newfound Lake with her family since she was born, as her grandfather built a log cabin on the Lake in 1927, named “Owls Head.” She spent every summer at the lake, and winters skiing at Tenney Mountain. A circuitous career in archaeology, hearth product marketing, environmental publishing, planning and sciences led Martha from CO, AZ, VT, and Cape Cod back to Hebron, NH with her husband in 2005. Martha is avid about the Newfound watershed and wildlife, and worked as Program Manager with the NLRA. She has been actively involved in land conservation initiatives, recently retiring from the Society for the Protection of NH Forests. Martha is an avid walker, bicyclist, and skier and hates to be indoors when the sun is shining.
Our Dedicated Board Members
Bill Dowey has owned a home in Bristol, near Newfound Lake, for 21 years. He and his wife Nancy retired here in December 2011. They enjoy traveling, gardening, hiking, skiing and all types of boating on Newfound Lake. During his career, Bill was an engineer and traveled internationally. He belongs to Plymouth Area Regional Energy Initiative (PAREI) and Bill is on the energy committee for Bristol. Bill and Nancy look forward to the day when they can bike and walk around the lake and into Bristol with their children and grandchildren.
Dian West was born and raised in New Jersey, but summered in Hebron for 20 years at her parents’ home on Newfound Lake. Dian and her late husband Ron built their dream home and became full-time Hebron residents many years ago. She holds a bachelor's degree in Art Education and taught school before moving to New Hampshire where she is currently working as a graphic designer. Dian is proud to have served two terms as the treasurer for the Town of Hebron..
Paul Pellissier is an educator and builder living in Bridgewater NH. He is the owner of TimberCraft Woodworks LLC a residential construction and remodeling company. Paul holds a Maters Degree in Natural Resources form the University of New Hampshire and has taught course environmental problem solving, sustainability and collaborative decision making.
David Berton lives in Holderness, NH and is an avid biker and runner . He has lived in several places in the state and is familiar with other trails and pathways. David is our road safety liaison with the state, regional and local representatives.
Joe Wilkas Joe Wilkas grew up in Scranton, PA, and with his wife Sandi camped all over the USA and Europe, the mountains, lakes, and ocean coastline areas of New England, and finally settled at Newfound Lake in 1985. With a Penn State BSEE, Joe helped develop Radar for the Apollo Space Program, Laser Scanners for Bar Codes, and Automatic Test Equipment for Semiconductors. With family and friends, they enjoy walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, skiing, tennis, and vintage motorcycling on their old BMW in our wonderful area. They're active with NH Wind Watch, Pasquaney Snowshoe Club, and are NLRA members.
Mavis Britelli and David, her husband, found the Newfound Lake area the most unspoiled and beautiful area, so they purchased a 200+ acre farm in Hebron in 1991. They have been full time residents since 2010. Mavis and David are strong supporters of Audubon, Wildlife and other environmental groups and locally such organizations as NLRA, Mayhew and Circle Camps, Forest Society, and Historical organizations. Mavis is an active member of the Hebron Conservation Commission.